Book Your Flight Review Today!
In June 2019, Transport Canada revamped the RPAS rules in Canada. The certification scheme allows for two levels of certification, depending on the type of flying operation, type of aircraft, and airspace requirements. The Small Advanced Certification allows operators to fly in complicated and controlled airspace. In order to obtain your Small Advanced Certification, you must meet the following requirements:
1. Attend and successfully complete training from a Transport Canada Self Declared RPAS Training Agency. This is a recommendation for Transport Canada, not a requirement).
2. Complete and successfully pass the Transport Canada Small Advanced Exam
3. Register your RPAS with Transport Canada
4. Complete a RPAS Flight Review by scheduling an appointment with a Flight Reviewer
At the commencement of your flight review, you will need to provide the reviewer with the following:
- a digital or physical copy of the results page of your successfully completed small advanced exam
- a valid (not expired) piece of government issued (federal/provincial/territorial/state government authority of the equivalent body abroad) identification that provides their name and date of birth.
- the Certificate of Registration for the drone used for the flight review.
In Flight Robotics offers this flight review service in Eastern BC, for individuals and organizations wishing to gain the Small Advanced Certification. We are able to offer this through our flight review affiliate BlackHawk Aeronautical Solutions of Edmonton, at a cost of $249.00 + GST. Let us know if you are ready for your Small Advanced Flight Review!